Wednesday, March 12, 2008

All I Want for Christmas

We all get to that point of the year when we start flipping through magazines for things we want. Then we send it off to Santa. Personally, when I begin to formulate my list, I still write it in crayon and decorate it and give it to my mom at least a month in advance. My roommates still write one, but maybe not as enthusiastically as mine, but it seems like it is a staple in holiday traditions. Although it is more of a little kid thing to write a letter to Santa, if I am quick with it and say pretty please, Santa usually comes through! Here are some cute letters to Santa. Check out more and where these came from here!

Dear Santa, Please give me a doll this year. I would like her to eat, walk, do my homework, and help me clean my room. Thank you, Jenny

Dear Santa, I need a new skateboard for Christmas. The one I got now crashes too much. Band-aids would be OK too. David

Dear Santa, Could you come early this year? I've been really super good, but I don't know if I can last much longer. Please hurry. Love, Jordan

Dear Santa, You can send me one of everything from the boys' section of the Sears catalog. But nothing from the girls' section. I can't wait for Christmas to come. Kent

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