Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cathy Finds Out the Terrible Truth

Cathy was in the 2nd grade and she and her brother were sleeping downstairs on Christmas Eve. She heard a noise outside and was convinced it was Santa. Her brother, Tim, quickly corrected her and told her that it was most likely the neighbors taking their garbage in, and of course, added that there is no Santa. It ruined her Christmas and made her question the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. After losing her tooth, she was determined to find out the truth, so she stayed up with her hand under her pillow. She was devestated when she grabbed her dad's hand that left the quarter under her pillow. But, for her own kids, she went above and beyond the call to make sure that they believed in the magic of Santa and her efforts were rewarded when her kids believed till 5th grade!

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